Microwave Applications
High Frequency Electrical Characteristics† (at 10 Ghz):
- Dielectric Permitivity: 9.2
- Dissipation Factor: 0.00012
- Q*f: 83333
Physical Characteristics:
- Density (gm/cc): 3.89
- Porosity: Gas Tight
- Water Absorption: None
- Hardness Hv5: 1530 (kg/mm2)
- Flexural Strength: 40 kpsi
- Thermal Conductivity: 35 W/m.degree K @25°C
- Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion: 5.10E-06 @ 25-200°C (x per degree C, ASTM C-32)
Electrical Characteristics:
- Dielectric Strength: 215 (V/mil) estimated, testing in process
- Volume Resistivity: 1.50E+15 (Ohm-cm) estimated testing in process
† Sample geometry for high frequency measurements were cylinders with 0.05 in. O.D. and 0.6 in. thickness.
Properties stated are typical for this material system.