Coal Fired Power Generation
Tons of coal, slurries, ash and emissions moving through the plant around the clock cause wear that can result in frequent interruptions of production. CerCo's alumina ceramic lining prevent this problem, extending service life of equipment by as much as 15 times.
In addition, alumina ceramic costs much less than Ni-Hard castings, a commonly used alternative, and while alumina ceramic costs more than A.R. steel, its wear-resistance is far superior.
CerCo's alumina ceramic lining are available in standard or custom-engineered sizes, shapes and pre-engineered designs in plain, weldable and mechanically interlocking tiles. CerCo also provides silicon nitride bonded silicon carbide for lining equipment operating in ambient temperatures for intermittent use up to 2900°F (1600°C). To solve abrasion problems in your plant, contact the experts at CerCo. Call (330) 567-2145.
In Coal Preparation Plants:
- Chutes
- Hoppers
- Raw Coal Belts
- Vibrating Feeders
- Diverter and Diverter Gates
- Feed Pipes
- Refuse System
- Dewatering Centrifuge
- Cyclones
- Screens
- Surge Bins
- Drag Conveyors
Wherever sliding abrasion, erosion or corrosion is a problem call CerCo. CerCo's wear-resistant alumina ceramic linings provide endless solutions to problems protecting equipment in coal-fired power plants:
- Conveyors
- Inner Cones
- Turrets
- Separator Bodies
- Multiport Outlets
- Fuel Inlet Elbows
- Converter Heads
- Fan Intake Pipes
- Journals
- Venturi Vanes
- Exhauster Periphery Liners
- Riffle Elements
- Coal Nozzles/Transitions
- Orifice Ring
- Bottom Ash Piping
- Fan Blades and Housings
- Burner Barrels
- Burner Scrolls
- Scrubbers
- Spray Nozzles
- Shut-off Valves
- Apexes
- Cyclones